Stop Striving For Likes

We live in a world where “likes” reign supreme on social media and our natural inclination is to seek likeability. But the latest findings may surprise you when it comes to professional headshots.

When clients or hiring agents view your headshot, they're looking for qualities that go beyond just being likable.

In fact, studies have shown that while a new headshot may result in a modest increase in likeability, ( less than 10%) it's competency that truly matters.

When done right, perceived competency in a headshot can increase by as much as 75.93%.

When it comes to your headshot stop chasing “likes” and start making informed decisions that foster true connection and professional opportunities.

Competency In Headshots

Competency is a multifaceted concept that transcends mere skill or proficiency.

It encompasses a blend of knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal attributes that you possess to effectively perform and achieve your goals.

According to the American Psychological Association, competency refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a specific task effectively. It involves not only cognitive abilities but also emotional intelligence, adaptability, and interpersonal skills.

When headshots are done right, they serve as a visual representation of your competency, conveying your professionalism, confidence, and credibility.

The goal in your headshot is to capture you in a way that demonstrates mastery of your domain. This is done not by favoring beauty or attractiveness but through nonverbal cues of confidence, through posture, facial expressions, and eye contact.

Understanding this concept will provide the maximum professional results from your headshots.

Competency Checklist

Posture: Stand or sit up straight with your shoulders back. Good posture conveys confidence and professionalism.

Eye contact: Maintain direct eye contact with the camera or viewer. This shows confidence and engagement, and it can help establish a connection with the viewer.

Facial expression: A neutral or slight smile can convey approachability and confidence without appearing overly casual. Avoid overly enthusiastic or exaggerated expressions.

Hand placement: Keep your hands relaxed and at your sides or gently clasped in front of you. Avoid fidgeting or overly gesturing, as it can detract from the overall impression of professionalism.

Dress attire: Choose clothing that is appropriate for your industry and position. Well-fitted, professional attire conveys competence and attention to detail.

Background and surroundings: Select a clean, uncluttered background that doesn't distract from your presence.

Confidence: Above all, exude confidence in your body language. Confidence is a key indicator of competence and can leave a lasting impression on viewers.